A new collaboration agreement between ”George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures and ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
The Rector of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova and his counterpart from George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania, signed today, September 17, 2021, a new collaboration agreement in order to consolidate and expand the cooperation relations by identifying new projects and actions of mutual interest.
According to the document, the institutions undertake to support and encourage the inter-institutional cooperation in the areas of medical training, research, clinical activity, continuing education, facilitating the exchange of teaching methods and materials, academic mobilities, participation in various scientific events, lectures, conferences, symposia etc. It is also intended to promote joint research actions and scientific projects with national, European or international funding, to encourage technology transfer and to disseminate scientific results. All activities will be based on the principles of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit of the two higher education institutions.
At the opening of the event, the Rector of Nicolae Testemitanu University, Professor Emil Ceban, appreciated the readiness of the Romanian side to strengthen inter-institutional collaboration relations, emphasizing that our university would benefit from international expertise on developing curricula at different disciplines for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies. According to Professor Ceban, this agreement will contribute to the coordination of research, innovation and technology transfer and will constitute a good practice in implementing and developing joint projects, harmonizing curricula with international standards and acquiring new professional and practical skills in the field of medicine. ”Recently, together with the management team, we have drawn up a new Strategic Development Plan of the University for the next ten years, and extending the international collaboration relations represents one of the objectives established in the action program”, the rector emphasized.
In his turn, the Rector of George Emil Palade University, Professor Leonard Azamfirei, Doctor honoris causa of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, declared that he had always enjoyed visiting our university, because of our beautiful history, our collaboration that had developed and diversified over time, uniting us intellectually and culturally. ”I am glad that you have developed a modern university in line with the European education system, and, as regards the collaboration area, we want the systems to become identical. What I have seen here makes me believe that you are developing at a very rapid pace. We appreciate the internationalization you are aiming at, the infrastructure you have created, offering various health services, and the Center for Simulation in Medical Training, with which we have cooperated before, is one of the most equipped centers we have seen, which makes me believe that there is something to learn from each other”, underlined Rector Azamfirei.
Academician Stanislav Groppa, Vice-Rector for Research, reiterated the need for collaboration in the medical research area. ”With the implementation of the Strategy for strengthening the research and innovation field at the University, we aim to initiate the education through research process, bringing the level of health and medical research in line with European rigors. This partnership will enhance the exchange of good practices, especially as regards the training of students in the field of research, with the identification of evolutionary elements and processes, starting with I-II years up to residency and doctorate. We want to revitalize scientific circles for students, which would involve them in research activities, but also increase responsibilities at department and faculty level, in order to obtain results in this area”, specified professor Stanislav Groppa.
Vice-Rector Groppa announced the intention to collaborate with the Medical-Pharmaceutical Psychopedagogical Training Center of George Emil Palade University on the ways of organization, functioning, and cooperation in the field of cellular immunology and microscopy, including with the laboratory that deals with the study of confocal microscopy – a direction we intend to develop. Our university would be very much interested in taking over the experience of laboratories included on the European Research Infrastructures System platform as well as in the transfer of new knowledge in the organization of a scientific research and technological development unit, but also of research infrastructure in general.
The First Vice-Rector Olga Cernețchi, Vice-Rector for Didactic Activity, emphasized the importance of working together on the organization of university educational processes, the development of curricula and study programs, the organization of internships and academic mobility, etc. Furthermore, the vice-rector requested the support of the Romanian side as regards sharing the experience gained in implementing the modular approach to undergraduate studies, the concept of postgraduate training of young specialists in ultrasonography for neurology, endocrinology, and arthrology areas as well as in other fields of mutual interest.
By certifying a new cooperation agreement, the two sides have committed themselves to meeting and achieving the proposed objectives, expressing the conviction that they will be able to create new bridges of cooperation in various areas of common interest. Finally, Rector Emil Ceban expressed his gratitude towards the Romanian partners for their willingness to provide transfer of good practices to our university. His counterpart, Professor Azamfirei, reiterated the desire to continue the beautiful traditions of cooperation with Nicolae Testemitanu University, extending an invitation to the institution he represented.
At the Agreement signing ceremony, the Rector of George Emil Palade University was accompanied by professors Angela Borda, Director of the Department of International Relations, Daniela Lucia Muntean, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Anca-Meda Georgescu, academic secretary of the Vice-Rectorate. The event was attended by vice-rectors, deans and heads of subdivisions of our university.
During the visit Romanian partners had several meetings with representatives of the Research Department, the Doctoral School in Health Sciences, the Department of Teaching and Academic Management, the Department of External Relations and European Integration, the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Society of Anesthesiology-Resuscitation and the Association of Pharmacists from the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, the guests visited the University’s Scientific-Practical Center of Medicinal Plants located in Bardar commune, Ialoveni district.
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